Better Life

My purpose is simple yet powerful: for everyone to be able to use their data to create their own well-being. Through the precise and ethical measurement of socio-emotional skills, I provide valuable insights that can transform lives and organizations.

Impact of ADA on People's Lives

ADA Intelligence is more than just software; it's a powerful tool for transforming lives and enhancing organizational performance. By measuring socio-emotional skills based on solid scientific foundations, ADA provides ethical, secure, and reliable data that enables companies to make informed and strategic decisions.

Transform the Lives of Your Teams with Socio-Emotional Data

The Advantage of Measuring Socio-emotional Skills for People's Lives

Measuring socio-emotional skills with ADA provides a deep understanding of employees. This allows companies to improve hiring processes, increase retention, and optimize the development and growth of each individual. By better understanding the strengths and areas for improvement of employees, companies can create a work environment focused on continuous improvement and well-being, fostering a more human and engaged team.

Access Personalized Reports for Effective Development

About ADA's Reports

ADA's personalized reports offer a detailed and accurate assessment of socio-emotional skills. These reports enable employees and leaders to better understand individual and team competencies, facilitating personalized and strategic development plans.

Design Tests Tailored to Your Needs

The Advantage of Creating Custom Tests

ADA allows the creation of custom tests tailored to the specific needs of each company. This capability ensures that evaluations are relevant and aligned with organizational goals, providing data that truly matters.

Ensure Continuous Development with Unlimited Tests

The Advantage of Unlimited Testing

With ADA, companies can conduct unlimited tests, ensuring continuous and sustainable development. This ensures that employees receive regular evaluations, maintaining a constant focus on well-being, personal, and professional growth.

Transform Your Data into Personal Development

Integrating ADA into your selection, evaluation, and
organizational growth processes not only optimizes
employee development but also provides a significant
competitive advantage for your organization.

Discover Our Success Stories and Transform Your Company

Success Stories

Numerous companies have already experienced the benefits of using ADA Intelligence. They have improved their hiring processes, increased talent retention, and optimized Reskilling and Upskilling programs, creating more engaged and effective teams.

ADA Intelligence has completely transformed the way we understand and develop our team's skills. The platform has provided us with precise and personalized data, allowing us to identify areas for improvement and enhance our strengths. Since implementing ADA, we have seen a notable increase in employee satisfaction and productivity. We couldn't be more satisfied with the results!"

CEO, Construction Company

I'm always looking for tools that not only improve our management but also have a positive impact on our employees. ADA Intelligence has been that tool for us. The socio-emotional assessments have allowed us to better understand our employees, and the personalized reports have been crucial in designing effective development plans. ADA doesn't just measure skills; it helps us build a more cohesive and happy team.

Head of Human Resources"

Since adopting ADA Intelligence, our company has made a quantum leap in talent management. The unlimited tests and data dashboards have made it easier to track each team member's progress, allowing us to make informed and strategic decisions. Additionally, the customization of tests has been key to adapting them to our specific needs. ADA is an indispensable tool for any organization looking to invest in employee development

Technology Company

ADA Intelligence has revolutionized our approach to skill development within our company. The high ethical and scientific standards of their assessments have given us the confidence to integrate them into our selection and training processes. The detailed and personalized reports have been incredibly useful for identifying talents and areas for improvement. Thanks to ADA, we have created a more collaborative and motivating work environment

Financial Industry

Learn About Our Commitment to Ethics and Human Well-being

The Ethics of ADA and Human Well-being

At ADA, ethics and human well-being are at the core of everything we do. Our methods adhere to the highest ethical standards and are designed to promote personal and professional development in a safe and reliable manner.

ADA Intelligence provides companies with a competitive edge by offering ethical and secure data on their teams' skills. This optimizes investment in development programs and creates a work environment that promotes well-being and continuous improvement. With ADA, organizations can build more human and competent teams, prepared to face the challenges of the future.

Transform your data into professional development

ADA Intelligence is designed exclusively for adults.

Disclaimer: The reports and metrics generated by ADA should not be interpreted or used as professional medical advice, consultation, or guidance. They do not replace the need for medical, psychological, psychiatric, clinical, mental, or emotional health counseling when necessary. ADA is not designed to assist in crises such as abuse, severe mental health conditions that may cause suicidal thoughts, self-harm, or any other medical emergency. ADA does not offer, nor will it offer, medical or clinical counseling.

You must be at least 18 years old to use ADA. Please read the Terms of Service and the Ethics and Privacy Policy to understand your rights and responsibilities as an adult user before using ADA. ADA is intended to be used only by responsible adults.

At ADA Intelligence, we believe that artificial intelligence has the potential to positively transform the world, and we are committed to ensuring that this potential is realized in an ethical, responsible manner, focused on human rights and well-being. The UNESCO principles for AI will guide our actions and decisions as we continue to advance the development of new applications for ADA Intelligence.