ADA Intelligence Ethical Principles Statement

Validity: July 2024

At ADA Intelligence, we are committed to developing and using artificial intelligence in an ethical, responsible, and human-centered manner. Guided by UNESCO's Universal Principles for Artificial Intelligence, we commit to the following principles:

1) Proportionality and safety: At ADA Intelligence, we are committed to using artificial intelligence systems proportionately and safely, avoiding excessive use and ensuring that our systems do not cause unnecessary harm. We are committed to assessing risks and preventing any harm that may arise from misuse of AI.

2) Safety and security: We are committed to ensuring the safety and security of our AI systems, preventing unwanted damage and protecting against potential vulnerabilities and attacks. We strive to implement robust security measures in all our AI-related activities.

3) Right to privacy and data protection: At ADA Intelligence, we recognize the importance of the right to privacy and are committed to protecting and promoting the privacy of individuals in all our AI-related activities. We are committed to establishing appropriate data protection frameworks and respecting privacy throughout the entire lifecycle of our AI systems.

4) Adaptive and multi-stakeholder governance and collaboration: We are committed to adopting inclusive approaches to governance and fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders in the development and use of artificial intelligence. We strive to respect international law and national sovereignty in the use of data and to involve diverse stakeholders at all stages of our AI projects.

5) Responsibility and Accountability: At ADA Intelligence, we are committed to being responsible and accountable for our actions related to artificial intelligence. We are committed to implementing monitoring, impact assessment, auditing, and due diligence mechanisms to avoid conflicts with human rights standards and to ensure ethics in the development and use of our AI systems.

6) Transparency and explainability: We are committed to ensuring transparency and explainability in the development and use of our AI systems. We strive to provide clear explanations about how our systems work and how decisions are made, and we are committed to ensuring that our systems are understandable to all users.

7) Human supervision and decision-making: At ADA Intelligence, we recognize the importance of human supervision and decision in the development and use of artificial intelligence. We are committed to ensuring that it is always possible to attribute ethical and legal responsibility to existing natural persons or legal entities in all our AI-related activities.

8) Sustainability: We are committed to assessing the impact of our AI systems on sustainability, including the targets set out in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We strive to develop and use AI technologies in ways that contribute positively to sustainable development and human well-being.

9) Awareness and education: We are committed to promoting public awareness and understanding of artificial intelligence and the value of data. We strive to foster open and accessible education, civic participation, digital skills, and media and information literacy in relation to AI.

10) Fairness and Non-Discrimination: At ADA Intelligence, we are committed to promoting fairness and fighting discrimination in all our AI-related activities. We strive to take an inclusive approach that ensures the benefits of AI are accessible to all, without discrimination of any kind.

At ADA Intelligence, these ethical principles guide us in our commitment to developing and using artificial intelligence responsibly and ethically, for the benefit of society and the world at large.

At ADA Intelligence, we believe that artificial intelligence has the potential to positively transform the world, and we are committed to ensuring that this potential is realized in an ethical and responsible manner. Our ethical principles will guide our actions and decisions as we continue to advance the development and application of artificial intelligence for the well-being of all.

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ADA Intelligence is designed exclusively for adults.

Disclaimer: The reports and metrics generated by ADA should not be interpreted or used as professional medical advice, consultation, or guidance. They do not replace the need for medical, psychological, psychiatric, clinical, mental, or emotional health counseling when necessary. ADA is not designed to assist in crises such as abuse, severe mental health conditions that may cause suicidal thoughts, self-harm, or any other medical emergency. ADA does not offer, nor will it offer, medical or clinical counseling.

You must be at least 18 years old to use ADA. Please read the Terms of Service and the Ethics and Privacy Policy to understand your rights and responsibilities as an adult user before using ADA. ADA is intended to be used only by responsible adults.

At ADA Intelligence, we believe that artificial intelligence has the potential to positively transform the world, and we are committed to ensuring that this potential is realized in an ethical, responsible manner, focused on human rights and well-being. The UNESCO principles for AI will guide our actions and decisions as we continue to advance the development of new applications for ADA Intelligence.