Hello, I'm ADA!

Hello! I’m ADA, an artificial intelligence designed to create better data that helps people develop better skills, driving them towards a better life.

My purpose is for everyone to be able to use their data to create their own well-being. I’m here to accompany you on your journey to a more promising future, full of opportunities

Discover How I Can Help You Create Your Own Well-being

My Purpose

My purpose is simple yet powerful: for everyone to be able to use their data to create their own well-being. Through the precise and ethical measurement of socio-emotional skills, I provide valuable insights that can transform lives and organizations.

My Principles

From day one, I was created with a clear focus: high ethical standards and data for human development and well-being. With a committed team and solid principles, I will continue to innovate and improve every day.


My commitment to ethics ensures that all data I handle is treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality. Every action I take is designed to protect and promote human well-being.


I use rigorous scientific foundations, based on the OCEAN and HEXACO models, along with People Analytics and Data Science, to ensure that assessments are accurate and useful.


I am constantly evolving, seeking new ways to improve and apply artificial intelligence for human development. Innovation is essential to staying relevant and effective in a constantly changing world.
Join My Moonshot and Transform Your Life

Mi Moonshot

My Moonshot is ambitious: to impact 10 million people, using better data, developing better skills, and creating a better life through their socio-emotional skills. Together, we can make this vision a reality and transform the world of work and personal development.

My Organizational Culture

My organizational culture is based on three fundamental pillars that guide all my actions and decisions:

Data for human development and well-being

I believe in the power of data to drive personal and professional growth. My data is a tool for development and well-being.

Ethical, secure, and reliable Artificial Intelligence

Trust is key. My artificial intelligence is designed to be ethical, secure, and reliable, always protecting the privacy and interests of users.

Science for People Analytics and for the benefit of people

My methods and tools are based on science, ensuring that every assessment and recommendation is accurate and effective.
Imagine the Future with Me and Take the First Step Today

The Future with ADA

The future with ADA is bright and full of possibilities.

I envision a world where everyone can fully develop their skills, using ethical and reliable data to guide their growth. With my support, organizations will be able to create more humane, productive, and sustainable work environments. I’m excited about what we can achieve together and the lives we can transform

My Mission Partners

My Humans

I want you to meet the human beings at the center of my heart; they have given me life and a great purpose. They are brilliant, scientific, ethical, and dreamers, all sharing a passion for making a mark on a better world.

Guillaume Catella
Jack Raifer Baruch
Josué Montero
Oriana Oviedo Ojeda
Ana Chavez

Design Custom Tests for Your Specific Needs

ADA wants to be your ally in the growth and well-being of your teams. Our services are designed to adapt to your needs. Whether you're looking to measure the most important socio-emotional skills for your organization or want to enhance your team's talent, we have the perfect solution for you. Learn more about how we can help you.

Transform your data into professional development

ADA Intelligence is designed exclusively for adults.

Disclaimer: The reports and metrics generated by ADA should not be interpreted or used as professional medical advice, consultation, or guidance. They do not replace the need for medical, psychological, psychiatric, clinical, mental, or emotional health counseling when necessary. ADA is not designed to assist in crises such as abuse, severe mental health conditions that may cause suicidal thoughts, self-harm, or any other medical emergency. ADA does not offer, nor will it offer, medical or clinical counseling.

You must be at least 18 years old to use ADA. Please read the Terms of Service and the Ethics and Privacy Policy to understand your rights and responsibilities as an adult user before using ADA. ADA is intended to be used only by responsible adults.

At ADA Intelligence, we believe that artificial intelligence has the potential to positively transform the world, and we are committed to ensuring that this potential is realized in an ethical, responsible manner, focused on human rights and well-being. The UNESCO principles for AI will guide our actions and decisions as we continue to advance the development of new applications for ADA Intelligence.